Welcome to TNEPSC  
  Tennessee Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Training Program for Construction Sites  
Pond Buffer
Pond Buffer
Check Dam Sediment
Color Contrast Discharge
Concrete Washout Station
Construction Exit Installation
Dewatering Tank
Sediment Basin With Dewatering
Check Dam
Check Dams
Diversion Channel
Slope Interruption Ditch
With and Without Erosion Protection
Outlet Protection
Inlet Protection Eel
Inlet Protection Wattle
Inlet Protection
Inlet Protection Eels
Muddy Water From Construction
Unstabilized Construction Site Discharge
Outlet Protection
PAM Log Installation
Slope Drain
Silt Bag Installation
Silt Fence Application
Stream Protection With Silt Fence
Silt Fence Protection
Inlet Silt Filters
Inlet Silt Filter
Slope Drain
Slope Drain & Blanket
Slope Interruption Log
Slope Protection Application Demonstration
Sod Laying
Steep Slope Stormwater Management
Stockpile Protection
Stockpile Protection
Stream Diversion
Channel Riprap and Liner
Slope Protection Blanket
Installing Erosion Blanket
Sediment Trap Cleaning
Construction Exit Track-out
Storm Water Detention Pond
Sediment Basin
Bad Silt Fence Installation
No EPSC Controls
Concentrated Flow at Silt Fence
Dam Failure at Outlet Pipe
Untreated Construction Site Dewatering
Lacks Construction Exit
Untreated Dewatering

One of the main program responsibilities of the Tennessee Water Resources Research Center is the transfer of information through professional training and education. A major part of this program is the training of individuals involved in land disturbing activities. Sediment is a major contributor to the pollution of streams in Tennessee and construction activities are a major source of sediment and stream siltation.

The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) has adopted a general permit to aid in the erosion prevention and sediment control at construction sites. An integral part of improving water quality in Tennessee’s streams is the training of those requesting coverage under the May 2011 TDEC Construction General Permit (CGP) Notice of Intent (NOI). To meet this need, the Center has developed three training workshops for developers, contractors, engineers and other professionals, inspection personnel, and enforcement officials responsible for all aspects of preparation and implementation of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) for preventing erosion and controlling sediment at construction sites one (1) acre or more in size. Workshop participants will receive resource notebooks and materials used by the instructors in presenting the courses. Handout materials include the Tennessee Erosion & Sediment Control Handbook of recommended Best Management Practices (BMPs), TDEC Construction General Permit requirements, and SWPPP example; manual of Design Principles for Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control for Construction Sites; all workshop presentation slides; and a CD containing several other public domain design and analysis software and reference materials.